Thursday, 12 September 2013

WWJD?: The Digital Marketing Trifecta - Search, Display & Social

What would John Wanamaker think of this thing called digital marketing? I mean, what is it? Your guess is as good as mine. Digital marketing certainly encompasses a multitude of things, chief among them jargon, acronyms, and let's not forget complete and utter confusion. In an attempt to help untangle the web, Mediative, one of North America's largest integrated digital marketing companies, uploaded a video to help make sense of this thing called digital marketing!

In it's journey through the evolution of digital marketing, the video concludes by discussing the current digital marketing trifecta: search, display and social.
Path to Purchase - Targeting

Paid media - refers to AdWords or bing, advertising through social channels and/or display channels.

Earned media - include viral marketing and gaining traction (what most brands strive for)

Owned media - refer to a brand's website/blog

Bringing together paid, owned and earned media enables marketers to best reach the most "contextually qualified consumers" - and these are gold to marketers.

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