Monday, 23 September 2013

Using Meta Tags for SEO & CTR Maximization: The Case of Farm Girl Mobile Food Kingston

Meta tags are dead I've read. And while it's true that meta descriptions and meta keyword tags aren't necessary for higher webpage ranking in the natural SERPs - this does mean that we should rule them out entirely. Despite what you've heard, meta tags still have their place in both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Click Through Rates (CTR).

Page Title - 70 characters
Title tags should include the page title, your brand name as well as a phrase that includes your target keyword phrase. Here is the current title of Farm Girl Food, a gourmet food truck in Kingston with a modified version, as well:

<title>Kingston Ontario Gourmet Food Truck Kingston - Farm Girl Food</title>


<title>Kingston Ontario Gourmet Locally Soured Food Truck - Farm Girl Food</title>

*Remember, titles & meta-descriptions often end up forming the your company's snippet in the natural search results.

Meta-description - 160 characters
Now here is where the work - and fun - begins! Here is an excerpt from a great blog post from Search Engine Journal, Maximizing Your Meta Tags for SEO & CTR, about how to write your meta-description section:

SEO, Meta Tages, Page rank, CTR
  • Add a call to action.  Asking people to do something (as in the case of “Find out how” in the example above) often results in readers taking the action you’ve requested. Other possible calls to action for your meta descriptions include “Discover how,” “Read more about,” “Click here,” or other related variation.
  • Use cliffhangers. Use cliffhangers in your meta descriptions to encourage viewers to click through for the full story.
  • Write your tags for yourself. Once you’ve come up with a possible meta tag, ask yourself, “Would I click through based on this information?” If your tags don’t yet seem compelling, rewrite them until you come up with something more enticing

Here is an example:

<Farm Girl Mobile Food Co. is the first gourmet locally sourced comfort food truck of its kind representing Kingston, in the evolving food truck movement in Ontario/>

3. Meta-keywords - no more than 10 keyword phrases
SEO for Restaurants is great for increasing sales, customers and reservations to their restaurant. An example of 5 starter keyword/phrases suitable for restaurants like Farm Girl include:

Restaurant name: Farm Girl Mobile Food
Type: Gourmet Comfort Food
City: Kingston
Type of food: Locally sourced
Atmosphere: Family Friendly

So, there you have it! Meta Tags aren't dead - they are alive and well and still have a place in any SEO strategy. For more information visit Google's Ad-words and if you're in Kingston be sure to visit Farm Girl Mobile Food for some delicious, locally sourced, down home comfort food - Yum!

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