Monday, 7 October 2013

Why Content Marketing Reigns Supreme

In the last few years there has been a real shift in how people consume information and communicate with one another. In a world where the flow of information was once published and controlled amongst a few, now, anyone with an internet connection can produce and publish content. And this certainly has its consequences.

On the one hand, consumers now have a vast and sophisticated landscape whereby they can search the web, connect on various social platforms, as well as educate themselves on potential purchases. But this now crowded and saturated place called the internet makes it much more difficult for people - and businesses - to be heard.

What the Heck is Content Marketing?

content marketing:
" a marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience - with the objective of driving profitable consumer action."
It's purpose?
" attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating relevant and valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior. It is an ongoing process that is best integrated into your overall marketing strategy, and it focuses on owning media, not renting it."
Now that we know what content marketing is and it's purpose - let's gain a little understanding in how it has evolved. Here is a brief video from the Content Marketing Institute about the history of content marketing:

It becomes clear that content marketing is not new. In fact, it has a history that dates back as far as 1895!

Why Content Marketing Reigns Supreme

According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing is not only the present, but the future of marketing. Marketing is impossible without great content. It's that simple. Quality content is "part of all forms of marketing" including: social media, search engine optimization (SEO), public relations (PR), Paid Per Click (PPC) and inbound marketing.

In addition, in an article by Jonathan Lister from Fast Company, Lister highlighted that content marketing was the leading tactic for 18.9% of marketers worldwide in 2012. In 2013, this percentage has grown to 34.8% which shows that marketers really are seeing the value in creating quality content.

1. Content is Forever

While it may seem as though content marketing may only provide short-term value - the truth is that once you publish content on the internet it really is forever. Even if you decide to take down published content there is always the possibility that your content has been shared, curated and thus archived in some fashion elsewhere.

2. Good for Consumers, Good for YOU

Content published is not only valuable in engaging with consumers, it's also good for you as a business and helps improve your search rankings.

Essentially, producing high quality content amplifies your authority within your specified industry.

3. Content Gains Trust

What is any good relationship without trust? But really. Companies like Apple understand how fundamental trust is in their relationship with consumers. Trust gains consumer loyalty. Content is designed in order to usher consumers through the buying cycle by educating them on your industry, product and/or service

4. Skeptics Who?

According to an article posted in Business Insider "not only do [Millenials] not necessarily trust traditional advertising anymore, they don't even see traditional advertising anymore." Thus, while advertising doesn't speak to Millenials - content does.

And why are Millenials so important to content marketers? Because the Millenial generation (the nearly 80 million people born between the early 1980s and early 2000s) are expected to yield a purchasing power of $170 billion per year in the United States alone!

When content is valuable, reliable and easily found on the platforms Millenials spend the most time, then marketers can better tap into this truly massive market!

5. Content is Constant

Although the popularity of social platforms will rise and fall, content is constant. Content is easily transferable between platforms and networks.
"Creating quality content that has longevity will continue to bring value to your brand long after customers have moved on to new platforms or have downloaded newer social apps to engage with."

Some Thoughts from the Leaders

So, now that we know what content marketing is and why it plays a crucial role in engaging in conversations with customers the question remains: how do we create quality content?

Here are some tips from content marketing thought leaders from Michael Aagaard, a blogger for Content Verve

1. Sean Work, KISSMetrics

Don't publish junk. Pretty self explanatory.

Yearn for beautiful layout and design. "Having great content is one thing, but ugly packaging can really ruin the experience. Ask yourself, would Steve Jobs approve of our “content packaging”? How would he “box” it?"

Be consistent! If you're going to publish content, you need to maintain a regular momentum. And if you're involved with a brand where it's difficult to stick to a regular process, Sean suggests outsourcing your content marketing.

2. Oli Gardner,

Make your content last. According to Oli you should "use social recycling to ensure you get a consistent flow of shares. You can also add a few of your latest posts to the footer of your emails to help with customer retention."
Effective blogging. "For your own blog, reach out to subject matter experts in all the categories you discuss on your blog to build a stable of “paid” writers, and create an editorial calendar to ensure both you and the writers are prepared." Oli also suggests that planning content in advance is ideal.

Be a curator. Much like this blog you don't always have to produce your own content. Once people realize that you're a source for sharing relevant content, people will keep coming back for more.

3. Marcus Sheridan,

Don’t be afraid to address any and every possible question a consumer might ask. "if someone asks you to compare yourself against your competition, that’s a blog post you should write...if someone is asking it or thinking it, we need to be writing and teaching others about it. That is the essence of a great content marketer." Nothing is off limits.

Content is key. "It should be used again and again and again throughout the sales process. The more content a prospect reads, the further down the sales funnel they go, which is why it is a must that we as sales professionals and marketers make sure they are viewing, reading, and consuming out content."

And here are a couple more industry thought leaders that are worth looking into!

4. Mitch Joel,

5. Seth Godin,

6. Daniel Burstein,

So, what have we learned? Content marketing is king. Without good content marketing is impossible. Good content is consistent, reliable, valuable, transferable, trust building and forever.

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